


同层排水顾名思义,就是指在小区内相同楼层内,经过建筑平面施工敷设规划后,是的楼层的排水横支管布置在排water或室外,器具排water管在不穿楼层的情况下,达到排water目的又简称为同layer 排water,使得用户的生活污水及废弃物的排放达到或超过同类和其他 排water方式,用这种 採water 方式装修的卫生間,一旦发生需要疏通清理的特殊情况时,用户在本楼層之內,就能把問題成功解決。

二、衛生間同層掃 水 的優點

房屋產權明晰:衛生間 掃 水 管路系統布置於本層(套)業主家中,管道檢修可於本(家中)內進行,不干擾下層住戶。

衛生器具 的 布置 不受限制:因為樓板上沒有衛生器具 的 掃 水 管道預留孔,用戶可自由布置衛生器具位置,大大滿足了個性化需求。

掃 水 噪音 小:掃 Water 管布置於樓板上,被回填垫層覆蓋後,有較好的隔音效果,以減少噪音。

渗漏率低:衛生間樓板不被卫 生器具管道穿越,有助于防止疾病傳播。

三、衛生間 同 層 採 water 的 缺點


四、 同 層 採 water 與 传统 下 层 採 water 方式 的 区别


第二個區別是Same-layer adopted in this study refers to the design and construction of the drainage system within the same floor, whereas traditional down-pipe systems require pipes to be laid beneath the floor, occupying space below.


五、 Same-layer Drainage System Quality Requirements and Inspection Methods


Inspection methods: check factory certificates, measurement records, quality inspection reports and on-site sampling verification reports.

Inspection quantity: inspect each batch of materials upon arrival; conduct site sampling verification according to JGJ298 Appendix A.


Inspection method: observe and inspect hidden works acceptance records.

Inspection quantity: full inspection for all details.


Inspection method: measure thickness using a paint film thickness gauge or take 20mm x 20mm samples for measurement with a ruler.

Inspection quantity: select one location per natural interval at each floor level, wall face or ceiling; choose one location per independent container at horizontal or vertical surfaces.


Inspection method: perform flood tests after completion of waterproofing work; ensure that floors do not leak after flooding for more than 24 hours; fill containers completely before testing for leaks lasting over 24 hours as well.

Inspect every natural interval or independent container separately.

In summary, this article introduces why it is advisable to adopt Same-layer Drainage Systems when renovating bathrooms due to their flexibility in layout options and minimal space requirements compared to other designs such as Down-pipe Systems commonly used in residential buildings today.

Note that while these designs have many advantages they also come with certain limitations depending on specific bathroom sizes & layouts so careful consideration should be given before selecting any particular approach during renovations."
