

记得那天,我是小明,一个学龄初的学生。每当周一到周五的下午,我都要去学校参加我的英语课。那是一堂由Ms. Smith教授的课程,她总是那么严肃和认真。我却总是在她的授课中寻找乐趣。

我坐在最后一排,每次Ms. Smith开始讲解新单词或者语法时,我就忍不住想起我们班上的另一个老师——Mr. Johnson。他教的是历史,这门课程对我来说虽然枯燥,但他那种幽默风趣的教学方式让我印象深刻。

有一次,当Ms. Smith正忙于准备下一次讲义时,我突然灵机一动,决定“在英语课上插入”Mr. Johnson。这意味着,在Ms. Smith没有注意的时候,将他的历史讲义巧妙地交换到她的桌子上。

计划执行得非常完美。就在Ms. Smith开始展示新单词的时候,她发现了什么不对劲。她抬头看向黑板,眼神坚定地扫视整个教室,那时候她应该已经意识到了什么发生了改变。但那个瞬间,一切似乎都变得静止了,只有我心跳加速,担心自己的冒险将会如何收场。

然而,就在紧张感达到顶点之际, classroom door suddenly burst open, a loud voice echoed through the room: "What's going on here?!" It was Mr.Johnson! He had been looking for his missing lecture notes and somehow ended up in our English class.

The whole classroom fell silent as we all stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to do or say next.Ms.Smith looked like she was about to explode from anger but then she saw the confusion on our faces and realized what must have happened.

"Ah," she said calmly, "it seems we have an unexpected guest."

She walked over to Mr.Johnson and handed him back his lecture notes while giving me a stern look that seemed to say: "You're in trouble now." But I couldn't help feeling amused by the unexpected turn of events.

From that day onwards, every time Ms.Smith mentioned something related to history, I would glance over at Mr.Johnson with a smirk on my face, remembering how I managed to insert him into her lesson plan - even if it was just for a brief moment.

And so, my adventure of inserting teachers became one of those stories that everyone remembered years later when they gathered around the water cooler during recesses or lunch breaks – it was almost as if it had become part of school folklore.

