


该 填充物适用于瞬间反应过程,尤其在对大气净化方面显示出巨大潜力。它的结构简单易于生产,对于每种情况都能提供足够的大面积来确保有效吸收。此外,它们能够很好地适应流量变化而且阻力小,与板式tower比较之下处理速度更快,并且需要空tower流速一般保持在0.5-1.2m/s,以避免形成liquid splash,而喷涂密度设定为6-8m3/(m²·h)以保持good liquid saturation,并且通常将liquid-to-gas ratio控制在2-10L/m³以保证效率。而对于含有大量尘埃或颗粒物的小规模烟囱通风系统来说,这些tower并不太合适,因此必须在设计时考虑到内部gas and liquid distribution的问题。

这种技术通过使用不同的方法使得gas bubbles or droplets or film可以与liquid进行接触,从而完成吸收操作。这可以通过三种不同类型来实现:第一类是gas bubbles dispersed in a liquid phase,如plate tower, bubble column absorber, and agitated bubble column absorber;第二类是liquid droplets dispersed in a gas phase,如spray nozzle, Venturi scrubber, spray tower; 和第三类是film moving with gas phase like packed bed absorption tower and falling film absorption tower.

Gas and liquid two-phase activity can be either countercurrent flow or concurrent flow. Generally speaking, the countercurrent flow operation is preferred for its efficiency. The absorbent solution enters at the top of the column flows downward while the gas flows upward from bottom to top to facilitate contact between them. The treated gas leaves at the top of the column while the absorbed substance is collected at the bottom.

The design requirements for such towers include:

◇ Simple structure that facilitates manufacturing and maintenance.

◇ Sufficient contact area between gases and liquids as well as sufficient residence time.

◇ Mechanical strength that can withstand external forces.

◇ Rigorous agitation of both phases to reduce mass transfer resistance thereby increasing efficiency.

◇ Low pressure drop with low energy consumption.

◇ Wide range of operating scales with stable performance.

标签: 智能输送方案
