


电渗析(ED)pure water equipment, on the other hand, uses electro-deionization membranes to remove ions and produce ultra-pure water. Ultrafiltration (UF) pure water devices utilize super-filtration technology to remove large molecular substances, suspended matter, and microorganisms from the water. Lastly, there are UV disinfection units that use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the water.

To ensure a smooth operation of these devices in our hospital setting, we have also considered their after-sales services. These include free storage of all design-to-production documents for 15 years; lifetime tracking of device running status with SMS and phone reminders for maintenance; and solutions proposed within 30 minutes with on-site repair within 24 hours if needed.

We have also invested in training at least one or two personnel who will be responsible for operating and managing these devices. The training covers basic theories of pure water production systems as well as hands-on experience with equipment operations.

In terms of quality assurance, we can expect these pure-water systems to run safely and stably for up to 15 years. With such commitment to quality control measures combined with comprehensive after-sales support options available through professional teams dedicated towards ensuring continuous supply high-quality clean drinking water at hospitals where lives depend upon it every day – this decision seems like an excellent choice indeed!
