对话半导体公司正致力于推动智能照明技术的发展,为大中华地区LED市场布局,通过收购iWatt等策略性合作,展现了其在固态照明领域的领导地位。为了进一步了解智能照明市场的趋势和技术发展,OFweek半导体照明网采访了对话半导体有限公司企业发展与战略副总裁兼电源转换事业群总经理Mark Tyndall先生。
在谈及对话半导体公司在大中华区业务布局时,Mark Tyndall指出:“中国市场对于我们来说非常重要,因为它是推动整个LED行业发展的关键之地。这也是为什么我们将重点放在中国市场,并愿意投入巨资开发该地区LED市场。”
随着成本降低和无线控制功能的普及,无线智能灯泡已经成为家庭生活中不可或缺的一部分。而商用场景中,无线控制也为企业提供了一种简化管理、提高效率的手段。Dialog smarteXite平台基于完全可配置的逻辑,不仅支持最新数字调光标准Ledotron,还能为智能照明应用打造新一代高度灵活与智能的LED驱动器IC。
Dialog recently announced its strategic partnership with Indium Corporation, a global leader in the development and manufacture of high-quality indium-based interconnect materials. This partnership will enable Dialog to expand its portfolio of advanced packaging solutions for LED applications.
The iW6401 LED driver IC is the first product from Dialog's smarteXite platform to support the latest Ledotron lighting standard. The Ledotron alliance, which includes companies such as Philips Lighting and Insta, aims to promote and standardize full compatibility with all relevant standards worldwide.
Insta CEO Alexander Burgbacher commented on the significance of Dialog's iW6401 product: "By integrating the Ledotron standard into our products, we can provide users with more advanced and intelligent lighting solutions. With Dialog's innovative technology, we are able to offer customers a comprehensive range of lighting solutions that meet their specific needs."
As part of its efforts to establish itself as a leading player in the solid-state lighting market, Dialog has been investing heavily in research and development. The company has also established partnerships with other industry leaders such as Philips Lighting and Insta.
In conclusion, Dialog is well-positioned for success in China's burgeoning solid-state lighting market. With its cutting-edge technology platform smarteXite supporting wireless control and digital dimming capabilities while leveraging strategic partnerships like those mentioned above - it offers an integrated solution that meets both residential & commercial needs at competitive prices.
Through this collaboration between industry giants dialog semiconductor co., Ltd., insta corp., osram inc., philips lightings corp., ledtron marketing alliance (ledma) member corporation including osram inc.
dialog semiconductor co., Ltd.'s enterprise development strategy vice president & power conversion business group general manager mark tyndall expressed his excitement about their new partnership stating "we've been looking for a quick-acting partner who shares our vision & strength globally."
insta corp.'s ceo alexander burgbacher explained how dialog's first ever smartexite ic model iw6401 will be supported by ledma members' work on developing digital dimming systems stating "with ledron compatible systems becoming available everywhere worldwide via
the ledra-ledr consortium - including philips lightings corp.-osram inc.-insta corp."
in short - dialog is poised for strong growth within china through investment strategies aimed at expanding their presence within solid state illumination technologies further cementing their leadership role within these markets.
[Source: OFWeek Semiconductor Lighting Network]